Nokia is now inaccessible in the Product Showcase Today

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Latest information about mobile phones and gadgets world, now that Nokia may have declined slightly in terms of cell phone sales, the article in the last few years when the survey data this year so far declined compared to year - years ago. In fact, currently experiencing mengikisan sales figures in the smartphone market, with the iPhone and Android smartphones get more even more popular. In order to take advantage of global market share of the remaining, Nokia has launched the most affordable phone to date in the Nokia 100 and Nokia 101 cell phones.

Nokia 100

Nokia may have realized that it might be quite a difficult challenge to compete in the smartphone market high end for now. That may be why bring some focus more on the basic features of the mobile phone market still has some degree of success, especially in developing countries. Its new 100 and 101 Nokia phones Nokia will come out to compete with their cheap Chinese-made ground with the quality of the phones are sometimes uncertain to them. At least, Nokia brings some qualities in coming up with new low-end phones.

Nokia Nokia 100 and 101 is somewhat similar in terms of basic features, the main difference is that 101 Nokia offers features dual SIM. In addition the Nokia 101 features an MP3 player and supports up to 16GB of external microSD memory card. The new Nokia 101 mobile phones are expected to come out in the third quarter of this year at an affordable price of U.S. $ 35, while the Nokia 100 will be out in the fourth quarter and will be sold at U.S. $ 30.

Source: Nokia