Android Smartphone protect you when Vacations

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Microsistem mode is a largest IT companies, who now realize that now some Muslims in the universe is running fast and soon will welcome the day of Eid is the later. Many possible in the interval of time off, many are downloading any software or application that is being sought or needed. Most of the time off a lot of kids - kids, teens on busy preparing for his time or spare time playing computer or download any applications that are so in gandrunginya, then this is an application androit will need to be noticed when browsing the Internet.
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You need to know that our time was actually threatened your android smartphone is often infiltrated by a virus. It could be fun when you play songs or games or menguduh meets these demands but does not know will receive the effects. Is it clean or not - do not have a virus-infected. Usually aka special tone notification when downloading the link, it could be when you download there is ignorance sometimes the address is directed to an address that turned out to be dangerous and there is a virus, and can sometimes make hank computer or your laptop.
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Yes It's rather frightening, at least this is the Trend Micro, the world record in the middle of this year alone has detected malware installer Anroid false form of 3 to update the application, namely Androidos_ADSMS.A, Androidos_Dordrael.l, and Androidos_crusewin.A.

Even the newest are now of course the discovery of malware android, named Droid Dream Light (DDLight), which has killed 25 infected applications and between 30,000 up to 120,000 users believe they have been affected.

But calm down, you can minimize it, to secure your phone from the things the simplest. Trend Micro, has formulated some important tips for users, in order to comfortably and safely run applications while traveling back and forth later: Use Standard Security Features Within your Android phone

Go into the menu> Settings, then Select> Location & Security> enter data such as PIN number and password to lock your phone. This is very useful for securing personal data is lost when your phone is physically

Do not Choose Settings Auto Connect to Wi-Fi

Go into the menu> Wireless & Network, and select> WiFi Settings, turn off the auto connect to WiFi. Many WiFi that you realize when utilizing this facility allows the data you copied, so you should be careful opening such as internet banking pages when using WiFi

NOTICE: Do not Install Applications Aside from the Android Market

The best advice is to install the applications in the android market, thus avoid the Trojan android. Trojan android recently recovered from a third party application service provider in China.

Careful When Asking A Permit Application for Open Access to Personal Data

In some applications that are installed normally ask your permission to open up some data, but make sure you do not give access permission to enter personal data such as phone contact list

Use the Special Applications Android phone your security

Be careful in installing and opening a specific link is a simple way, but more than that recommended you also install security applications for mobile phones.