Manufacturer Sony Launches Tablet PC First

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New York - Time-awaited has arrived, after waiting too long now good luck can be felt by all the gadget mania, eventually the Japanese electronics giant, Sony, launched its flagship Sony's first tablet computer tablet S. Sony began marketing the tablets on Friday (16 / 9) yesterday in the United States.

Meanwhile, the launch in Japan was accompanied at times almost simultaneously on Saturday. Sony said, his latest tablet allows people to play computer games and be able to read e-book published by a company's books. Analysts say Sony missed for 17 months in the focus of making tablets.

This tablet device featured a touch screen control and a variety of technologies that are not less with other recent tablets. The launch of this tablet seems deliberately to rival Apple's flagship gadget, iPad, a tablet which still dominates the world market and fierce competition among the latest tablets assemblies other electronics manufacturers. (JAY)
